Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review

All unpublished scientific manuscripts are accepted for publication in the Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review (BIJEMR). The format of the manuscript must be (Doc, Docx). Every submitted manuscript is put through a peer review process to determine whether it is appropriate for publishing and to achieve the goal of publication. The work ought to adhere to the Plagiarism Policy. Following evaluation, the concerned author will get the decision and be notified.

Please refer below author guideline in detailed
Basic Guidelines
  • An author can submit their manuscript via email at eic(dot)bijemr(@)bakhtar(dot)edu(dot)af.

  • Manuscript must be in prescribed Manuscript Format.

  • We will process only full length papers.

  • All tables, charts, graphs, and diagrams should be high resolution.

  • Manuscript must have less than 10% Plagiarism, for more information please refer Plagiarism Policy .

  • An author will get decision on their manuscript after every review process.

  • If any revision is required in manuscript, an author will get back their manuscript along with detailed report and review comments. Author need to submit revised manuscript as per review comments within average of 30 days.

  • After Acceptance, an author need to submit filled Copyright Form with final manuscript.

  • If an author follows above guidelines, final manuscript will be published.

  • Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be sent back to contributors. Contributors whose papers are accepted or rejected will be informed by email only.

  • Published manuscript will not be removed from BIJEMR site.

Presentation and Paper Layout

These manuscript guidelines are in accordance with uniformity for submission process

Page Layout

  • All content should be written in English and should be in 1 column.

  • Page type will be A4 with normal margin, word spacing should be 1pt.

  • No space will be added before or after the paragraph.

  • The margins must be set as follows:
    Top = 1.00"
    Bottom = 1.00"
    Left = Right = 1.00"

Page Style
All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified.

Sections Font Details
Title Font Size: 22
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Bold, Centered aligned
Author Name/ Department/ College/ Email ID/ ORCID Font Size: 11
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular, Centered aligned
Abstract/ Keywords Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Bold
Introduction Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
Heading /Materials /Methods /Literature Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
Sub headings Font Size: 9
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular, Small caps, Numbered (Roman or Upper class Numbered)
Sub headings Font Size: 8
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular, Small caps, Numbered (Roman or Upper class Numbered)
Figures/ Images/ Tables/ Graphs/ Equations Font Size: 9
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Bold, Italics, Numbered, Full colored with high resolutions, Centered aligned, and Left Justified, Captions Should be given. Table and Figure should [2] be like Table 1, Table 2 or Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.
Result and Discussion Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
Conclusion Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
Acknowledgment Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
Conflict of Interest Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
Author Contribution Statement Font Size: 10
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular
References Font Size: 9
Font Type: Times New Roman
Appearance: Regular / Partial item in Italics
Manuscript Guidelines

Follow the detail guidelines while submitting manuscript.

Title: Manuscript Title (22pt Times New Roman, Bold, Center Aligned)

Author's Details: Author Name or Names of author(s) after the mention AUTHOR(S) = followed by Author’s 1st name and last Name, discipline, institution, email address, Orcid. (11pt Times New Roman, Bold, Center) Corresponding Email
(Example: Prof. Dr. XXX YYY, Domain, Affiliation, Email Id Orcid:0000-0000-0000 )

Abstract: An abstract should be between 150-300 words (10pt Times New Roman, Left and Right Justified).

Keywords: Put minimum 5 Keywords and all keywords separated by a comma are required. (10pt Times New Roman, Left and Right Justified).

Introduction: Introduction clearly states the objective of your work, its scope and the main advances you are reporting. It gives reference to relevant results of previously published work. (10pt Times New Roman, Left and Right Justified)

Materials/Methods/Literature: The manuscript must clearly specify the Methodology used in the paper. In case of survey-based studies, it is mandatory for the author(s) to mention the sampling methodology, number of respondents, nature of sampling, and time period of the study. Page style should be 10pt Times New Roman

Result and Discussion: The results and discussion may be combined into a common section or obtainable separately. They may also be broken into subsets with short, revealing captions.


  • The table should be accompanied by a clear and specific title at the top of the table centrally placed. The title should be self-explanatory. (E.g. Table 1: Captions should be given ( 9pt Times New Roman, Bold, Italic)).

  • All tables must be numbered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text.

  • Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.

  • Please submit tables as editable text and not as images.

  • Please mention the source of the table.

Figure :

  • The Figure should be sharp and clear.

  • All Figure must be numbered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text.

  • Specific caption separately after the figure centrally placed. The caption should be self-explanatory. (E.g. Figure 1: Captions should be given ( 9pt Times New Roman, Bold, Italic)).

  • Please mention the source of the figure.

Conclusion :This section should state the leading conclusions of the study and explain their importance and the result.

Acknowledgement: Those who worked on the manuscript's development, the funding agency or resource suppliers, and the organisations that sponsored the research endeavour should all be acknowledged in the acknowledgements section along with anyone else who contributed to the study besides the authors.

Conflict of Interest: This section should state the conflict of interest of author(s).

Author Contribution Statement: This section should state individual author contribution in developing the research separately. For more details please refer Authorship Policy.

References: References should be included at the end of the paper. All the references should be cited in the body of the text. References and citations should be complete in all respects and arranged in alphabetical order. Please refer to the APA 7th Edition for framing the References.
This section should be typed in character size 9 pt Time New Roman, Left, and Right Justified
The heading of the References section must be numbered. All reference items must be in 9 pt font. Please use Regular and Italic styles to distinguish different fields as shown in the References section. Number the reference items consecutively in square brackets (e.g. [1]).
Examples of reference items of different categories shown in the References section include:
[1]. Journal article with DOI. XXX (Year). Title of Paper, Journal Name. Volume(Issue), Pages number.
[2]. Book with subtitle.
Author name (year). Book Title. Publisher name.
[3]. Book with two editors instead of author.
Editor 1, Editor 2 , etc (Eds.). (year). Book Title. Publisher name.
[4]. Essay, chapter, or section in edited work.
Authors Name (year). Title of paper. In Editors Name (Ed.), Book Title (pp. no.).Publisher name.
[5]. Magazine article, online, volume issue or pages.

Submission Requirements

The article will be submitted by the corresponding author, and only they will be contacted for future correspondence. Please take note that the journal uses a double-blind peer-review procedure. The corresponding author is accountable for carefully submitting the following files:

Cover Letter:
All manuscript submissions need the inclusion of a cover letter. The title, name(s), full postal address, phone number, email address, and ORCID of each author(s) should all be included in the cover letter. In the cover letter, mention the kind of article. In the cover letter, the author must highlight a few key aspects of the work for publishing consideration. The related author alone will bear all responsibility. It is imperative that the authors explicitly declare that neither the article nor any portions of it have been submitted for publication elsewhere and that they never will. The corresponding author made clear whether there was any funding support, whether it was full or partial. Only emails will be used by the editorial office to confirm receipt of manuscripts.

Main File:
The file must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or.docx) and blinded (i.e., it must not include any information that would betray the identities of the writers). This should have the following in the correct order: abstract, keywords, introduction with goals, material and methods, findings and observations, discussion with strengths and limits, references, tables, figure legends, and any disclaimers. The file must be created following the rules for manuscript submission.

Submission Checklist

Initail Submission Checklist
The submitted manuscript will be subject to quality check before presented to board members and refeeress for further processing. To ensure all the information properly submitted and available to board members through submission portal.
Please check the submission checklist before submitting the manuscript. All the author details mentioned in Coverpage and main manuscript
If you have any queries related to submission , please write to us at eic(dot)bijemr(@)bakhtar(dot)edu(dot)af

Requirement Required Formats Details
Coverletter .doc, .docx & .pdf For internal use
Main File .doc, .docx One file permissible for peer review
Revised Manuscript Submission

If the author(s) are asked to make changes to their submissions, they will receive an email with the editors' feedback. The revised manuscript should highlight the changes and address the editors' and reviewers' comments in a separate file. The revised manuscript should be sent via email. Requests for revisions do not guarantee that the work will be accepted. A reassessment could be necessary before making a final decision. If the revised manuscript is not submitted to the journal within an average of 30 days from the date of receipt, a new submission will be taken into consideration.

On Acceptance

Proof Reading and Queries
A PDF version will be sent to the relevant author for proofreading following the editor's acceptance. Please only use this proof to verify that the text, tables, and figures are typeset, edited, and correct. Proof's must be thoroughly examined and sent back within two days of being received. The email that is delivered to the appropriate author will contain all proofing requirements. Only with the Editor's approval will significant modifications to the approved manuscript be considered; author's are advised to avoid making undue changes to their proofs. It is imperative to guarantee that every adjustment is forwarded to us in a single correspondence. Kindly ensure that you have thoroughly read the response before responding since it cannot be assured that any further adjustments will be included.

Article Processing Charges
The journal does not levy any charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscript.

Manuscript and Copyright Form
Manuscript and Copyright Form
Manuscript Template
Copyright Form