Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review


An author is a key contributor to the research process, playing a vital role in drafting, data design, interpretation, methodology, statistical tool selection, and result analysis. Authorship also entails critical revisions and supervision. The author bears responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the work. Furthermore, the corresponding author is entrusted with addressing post-publication issues.

The publisher is not responsible for resolving authorship disputes. Handling and resolving conflicts is the duty of the corresponding author. Authors are required to carefully review and approve all final submissions before providing written clearance to the corresponding author for subsequent submissions and revisions. Prior to publication, it is imperative for each author to sign off on the final draft to mitigate any potential issues afterwards.

Emphasizing collaboration with colleagues at the research site is crucial. We are committed to including those who meet the authorship criteria as co-authors. For contributors who do not meet these criteria, they will be duly acknowledged in the Acknowledgements section.

Upon acceptance, it is the duty of the corresponding author to ensure the accuracy of all information in the proof, which includes the names, addresses, and affiliations of co-authors.

After publication, the corresponding author is the main point of contact for any questions about the manuscript. They are responsible for informing co-authors of any issues and ensuring their prompt resolution. Authors must promptly notify the journal of any necessary corrections.

Author Contribution Statements

We are committed to transparency and accountability. In order to promote this, we require authors to include a statement of responsibility in their manuscript, placed just above the reference section. This statement must clarify specific items outlined in the provided sample, ensuring a clear and transparent approach.

Author Identification

The corresponding author of a published manuscript must include their Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) id; co-authors are expected to do the same to ensure clear attribution of academic contributions.

Author Name Change

An author who has changed their name for any reason has the right to request updates to their previously published manuscripts by sending an email with the appropriate subject line, including the title of the work and the year it was published.