Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review

Correction to the Manuscript

A concise explanation of any corrections made due to errors or omissions in the original manuscript by the author(s) is mandatory. An erratum will be published, and the corrected manuscript will remain in the online journal. The corrected manuscript will be linked to the erratum, which will be readily available to all readers.

  • A brief explanation of any corrections made as a result of errors or omissions in the original manuscript by the author(s). The erratum is provided, yet the corrected manuscript is left in the online journal. The corrected manuscript is linked to the erratum, which is made freely available to all readers.
  • An addendum serves as an essential notification of added information in a manuscript. If deemed indispensable by the editors for the reader's understanding of a significant part of the original contribution, it will be published. According to journal policy, addenda may obtain peer review and will typically be supervised by the journal's editors. All addenda will be linked back to the original manuscript.
  • Furthermore, a corrigendum is a firm notification that the authors of the manuscript have committed a substantial error. All corrigenda must receive authorization from the journal's editors. The Author Correction/Corrigendum Notification reports a significant error committed by the author(s) that directly impacts the publishing record, scientific integrity of the manuscript, or the authors' and journal's reputation.

As part of our commitment to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity, Bakhtar University Journal strictly adheres to the COPE Retraction Guidelines . These guidelines outline the justifications for retracting a publication, including cases of plagiarism, unethical research, legal issues, and copyright violations. We believe that it is crucial to maintain the credibility of scholarly work by retracting publications in the presence of clear evidence of erroneous results, prior publication without proper citation, or undisclosed conflicts of interest.

Retracting a publication if:

In cases where circumstantial evidence of research or publication malfeasance exists, or when an investigation into suspected misbehavior is perceived as unfair or inconclusive, we issue expressions of concern to ensure transparency and accountability.

Retractions are not usually appropriate if:

It is important to note that retractions are not typically appropriate in instances where only a change in authorship is required, and the validity of the core findings remains unquestioned. In such cases, we encourage authors to follow our Authorship policy to address any necessary modifications. Furthermore, when the core findings of a work are still valid, we believe that revisions or corrections can adequately rectify any flaws or issues.

Notices of retraction should:

To ensure transparency and accountability, we always include a link to the retracted manuscript in electronic versions and clearly name the retracted work. Prompt publication of retraction notices is crucial to mitigate any negative impacts arising from false publications, and we are committed to making these notices freely accessible to all readers.