Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review

Bakhtar University publication policy was created in accordance with the standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.
The policies are as follows:

Authorship and change in authorship

An author makes significant contributions to methodology, statistical selection, result analysis, data design, and interpretation. They are responsible for the objectivity of the work and oversee post-publication matters. For details, consult the Authorship Policy.

Submission of Manuscript

The corresponding author must prepare the manuscript according to journal requirements. Submissions must follow the proper method. All authors must adhere to guidelines and accept terms. Each author must authorize the submission. The manuscript should include author information and conflicts of interest.

Manuscript Withdrawal Policy

The corresponding author has the option to withdraw the submitted manuscript within 7 days of the initial submission or before the peer review process commences. To initiate a withdrawal, the corresponding author must get in touch with the editor through email, providing a formal request. Upon receiving the withdrawal request, all further processing of the manuscript will be promptly halted, and no processing charges will be incurred.
Once the manuscript was published it cannot be withdrawn on the request of author and no maintenance charges should refund to the author

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts can arise from personal, professional, or academic rivalries, as well as intellectual passion. Regardless of their source, conflicts of interest can significantly damage the credibility of a journal, author, and scientific findings. Full disclosure of any conflicts of interest during the research process is essential to provide a clearer understanding of the research's context.

Research and Publication Misconduct

We strictly adhere to the rigorous standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to address any instances of research and publication misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to, concerns such as duplication of prior publications, high levels of plagiarism, falsification of data, unauthorized changes in authorship, failure to disclose conflicts of interest, and undertaking research without obtaining ethical approval. In cases of suspected misconduct, we are committed to sharing the manuscript with the university's ethical committee and relevant institutions or organizations to ensure that any misbehavior or misconduct is effectively addressed.

Data fabrication / Data falsification

Data fabrication: It is important to avoid any form of manipulation when dealing with research findings or results..
Data falsification: Data manipulation to create false study conclusions is prohibited, including altering or omitting data and editing images. Authors must maintain technical image quality and provide original data if doubts arise. Any changes to the manuscript upon submission must be disclosed to the journal editor.


It is recommended to acknowledge all those involved in the development of the manuscript, including the funding agency, resource suppliers, and sponsoring organizations, as well as any other contributors to the study besides the authors.

Archiving plan

The journal has a plan to archive electronic backups and preserve access to its content through indexing websites and the Bakhtar University Journal website, even if the journal ceases publication.

Data repository

The data is stored in the journal's repository and is being deposited on the websites of Bakhtar University Journal and Bakhtar University which serves as a data backup depository.


Bakhtar University Journals, we hold the confidentiality of all submitted research articles and author information in high regard. It is our commitment to ensure the strictest confidentiality with respect to all submitted manuscripts. Upon confirmation of the submission, the article will be reviewed and edited by those involved in its development at various stages.

Complaints and Appeals

We take all grievances and appeals seriously, and it is the responsibility of the publisher and editor(s) to address them. Please reach out via email with the relevant subject line if any authors, reviewers, editors, or readers have any concerns.