Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review
All unpublished scientific manuscripts are considered for publication in the Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review (BIJEMR). The format of the manuscript must be (Doc, Docx). Every submitted manuscript is subjected to the Peer Review Process, which evaluates whether it is suitable for publishing to achieve the publication goal. Manuscripts must adhere to the plagiarism policy. The concerned author will receive the decision after review. |
Please see the entire submission guidelines below. |
Ready for Submission
Follow the Author
and initial submission checklist
before submitting your paper for publication. |
Templates |
Manuscript and Copyright Form Manuscript Template Copyright Form |
Revised Manuscript Submission A separate submission instruction sheet will be sent to you if you are invited to submit the updated manuscript in response to the editorial and reviewers' feedback. For the amended manuscript to be effectively evaluated, it is required to submit the reviewers' comments and response file with the highlighted changes in the text. |