Bakhtar International Journal of Economics and Management Review

Post-publication issues

We are committed to upholding the integrity of our published records and thoroughly investigating any issues brought to our attention by authors or readers. Depending on the seriousness of the problems, the following outcomes are possible:

  • Manuscript rejection and return to the author if it is still under consideration.
  • For articles already posted online, actions may include online publication of a Correction or Addendum, issuance of an Editor's Note or Editorial Expression of Concern after the investigation, or retraction if necessary.
  • In cases of potentially major issues, the author's institution may be notified.

Our main objective is to protect the integrity of the published record without assigning blame to specific individuals, even though we aim for transparency. We will promptly address post-publication issues and keep our readers informed through Editor's Notes or Editorial Expressions of Concern.


At Bakhtar University Journals, we are committed to upholding integrity and legality in our publications. We reserve the right to promptly remove any published article.

  • If it is found to infringe on third-party rights,
  • If a government notice mandates removal, or if it hinders the work of others.

The removal may be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of the issue.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the highest standards of publication.