Bakhtar International Journal of Economic and Management Review

The publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals is paramount in advancing our understanding. Upholding ethical standards is essential, and it requires everyone involved - publishers, reviewers, editors, and authors - to adhere to the guidelines based on the COPE code of conduct.
The ethical guidelines for publication are crucial for maintaining integrity and trust. It is imperative to adhere to these guidelines to ensure the highest ethical standards are upheld.

Duties of Publisher
  • At our publication, transparency and a clear editorial focus are paramount. We wholeheartedly support all contributors in fulfilling their responsibilities.

  • We pride ourselves on ensuring smooth, timely publication.

  • Our mission is to publish scholarly articles purely for academic enrichment, not for financial gain.

  • Confidentiality and profound respect for all work undertaken are foundational to our ethos.

Duties of Editors
  • Timely and fair review processes for submitted manuscripts.

  • Confidentiality of all submitted work.

  • Respect for individuals' privacy.

  • Transparent publication processes.

  • High integrity and decisive action when needed.

  • Commitment to a scientific approach.

Duties of Reviewer
  • Deliver a precise evaluation within the specified timeline.

  • Uphold strict confidentiality.

  • Supporting editorial decisions and contribute to the publication with a strong scientific approach.

  • Assess uniqueness with precision.

  • Notify the editorial board if any conflicts of interest arise.

  • Immediately report any unlawful content found in the submitted manuscript to the editorial board.

Duties of Authors
  • Your manuscript should be original and free from any plagiarized data.

  • Authors are those who are deeply involved in the research and present it in manuscript form, while others who support this work are known as co-authors.

  • At any stage of the review process, authors may be requested to provide raw data for effective review.

  • Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to multiple publications is not permitted.

  • All work should be conducted in accordance with scientific and legal processes without violating any guidelines.

  • When using any part of another's work, please consider acknowledging and respecting copyrights in your manuscript.